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National Events:
Anzac Day commemorations at the Australian War Memorial 2022
The Development works at the Australian War Memorial, including enhancements to the Parade Ground, change the format for commemorations in 2022.
This Anzac Day will mark the 107th anniversary of the Gallipoli landings. Please join the greater Veteran community at the Australian War Memorial on Anzac Day to commemorate the ANZACS of 1915, and all those who have followed in their footsteps.
The Anzac Day commemorations will commence in the Captain Reg Saunders Courtyard and Sculpture Garden with pre-dawn readings from 4.30 am.
The Anzac Day Dawn Service will begin at 5.30 am and includes the laying of wreaths on behalf of Australia and New Zealand symbolizing the unity of ANZAC.
The ACT Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) will conduct the veteran’s march through the western grounds of the Memorial during the morning.
Following the veteran’s march an Anzac Day address to the nation will be televised and livestreamed from the Memorial’s Commemorative Area
An enhanced Anzac Day Last Post Ceremony will be held that evening in the Commemorative Area at 4.45 pm.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend the Memorial and lay their own personal tribute or wreath at the Stone of Remembrance following the Dawn Service, or at the Last Post Ceremony.
All information regarding Anzac Day, including tickets (if required) will be updated on the Memorial website nearer to the date.
As above please contact the ACT Branch of the RSL for all information regarding the march via admin@actrsl.org.au or call (02) 9161 7690 for all enquiries regarding the veterans’ march.
There are no upcoming events to display at this time.